Ridwell is launching in the East Bay!

We have big news! Ridwell is officially launching in the East Bay! We are grateful to our members for powering our growth and are delighted to finally be in the California sunshine helping the Bay Area waste less.

Curious about when we’ll be in your neighborhood? Here are the top questions about our arrival in the East Bay for our newest Ridwell community members! 

What areas will you be serving first? 

We are starting pickups in Alameda and will be expanding neighborhood by neighborhood based on interest and signups on our waitlist.

When will you be in my part of the East Bay? How do I get you to pick up in my neighborhood faster? 

After Alameda, the areas with the most interest will launch first, so tell your friends and spread the word to help us grow faster!

Where will my stuff end up in the East Bay? 

We'll be working with some awesome local non-profits and specialty recyclers like the Alameda County Community Food Bank, Celebration Nation, Clean Earth, Trex, and many more to give your old stuff a second (or third or fourth) life.

What about San Francisco? Marin? The South Bay? 

While we’re planning to serve the East Bay first, we have plans to expand to San Francisco,  the Peninsula, and beyond after that. The best way to help us get to your area is to tell your friends and neighbors about us! 

Why should I join Ridwell? 

Ridwell makes wasting less and reducing clutter at home easy and seamless so you can: 

  • Save time: No more researching different recycling and donation centers and spending your precious time and gas money driving around town to drop everything off. 

  • Enjoy peace of mind: Instead of wondering or worrying where your old stuff is going, with Ridwell you can trust that it’s getting reused or recycled thanks to next-level transparency

  • Make a difference in your community: Our amazing members have kept over 5 million pounds of waste out of landfills to date and helped dozens of nonprofits across the country get bikes, school supplies, eye glasses, and more! 

How does Ridwell work, exactly? 

Ridwell makes it easy to waste less from the convenience of your doorstep. Here’s how: 

  1. You receive a stylish Ridwell bin and a set of reusable cloth bags. 

  2. You fill your bags with hard-to-recycle items like plastic film, clothing, & more

  3. We collect your full bags every two weeks.

  4. We make sure everything we collect is responsibly reused or recycled by our partners who are dedicated to wasting less. 

You enjoy a home free of waste and clutter! How great is that? 

Ready to join our incredible community in wasting less in the Bay Area? 

We’re excited to have you with us. 

Join us! 


What is recycling contamination?


Why the founder of Buy Nothing is a proud Ridwell member