Printable Mini Bin!

For a little festive fun (or to present someone special with your gift of a Ridwell subscription) we’ve created a mini-Ridwell bin you can print out and assemble at home! Here’s how:

Step 1: Download our template and print it out on paper of your choosing

Step 2: Cut along the outside edges of the shape

Step 3: Fold along all inside lines. You are essentially making a box with the Ridwell logo at the front.

Step 4: Glue edges that say “Glue me!” and stick them to the neighboring sides

Step 5: Let dry completely and enjoy your bin!

If you’re using this as an ornament: Poke a hole at the orange dot, making sure it’s wide enough for whatever string you’d like to use to hang it on the tree.

Happy holidays from all of us at Ridwell!

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