Community Supported Membership Fund

Extend a helping hand. Contribute to free and low-cost memberships for people in your community.

Our mission is to build a future without waste for everyone

Our Community Supported Membership fund offers free and low-cost Ridwell memberships. It eases access to the waste-less lifestyle for folks who can use a helping hand. The list of people who apply often includes students, teachers, veterans, differently abled folks, first responders, healthcare workers, people on fixed incomes, and families in need.

We’ve opened the Community Supported Membership fund over the past two holiday seasons and provided service to hundreds of planet-loving people. This year, our third, we hope to make the biggest impact yet.

If you enjoy your Ridwell service and want to make it accessible for more people in your community, consider giving to the fund this year.

How to get involved

Support folks in your community by donating to the Community Supported Membership fund in one of two ways:

  1. Give directly to the Community Supported Membership fund.

  2. Buy a Ridwell gift card between now and December 31, 2023. For every gift card purchased, we’ll donate $10 to the Community Supported Membership fund.

Meet recipients from previous years

Want to apply?

If the Community Supported Membership sounds like a good fit for you as a recipient, let us know. Applicants will be randomly selected & notified on x/x.


  • Community Supported Memberships are free and low-cost 6-month Ridwell memberships for anyone who needs a helping hand. Our goal is to empower more people and neighborhoods to waste less without budget as a barrier.


    The Community Supported Membership covers 6 months of core Ridwell services free of charge. This means pickups every two weeks of our core categories and featured category.

    Add-ons—extra services we provide for an additional fee—are not included in Community Supported Memberships. For more information on what is an add-on, see our “Categories and add-ons” FAQ.

  • We have two easy ways to contribute to the fund:

    1. During certain parts of the year, we donate $10 towards the fund for every Ridwell gift card purchased.

    2. Give directly to the fund

    Thanks for giving the gift of Ridwell to support our communities and the planet.

  • Answer a few quick questions to apply today! We’ll notify recipients on XX/XX.


    Who’s eligible to apply? If you have budgetary constraints that make it difficult to access Ridwell membership, you’re eligible to apply for a Community Supported Membership.

    Do I have to provide any income or employment information to apply? No. We trust people to apply based on need, which looks different for everyone. We will only ask for your email and zip code and a bit about why you want to join Ridwell.

    What does the selection process look like? We confirm the applicant's zip code is in an active service area. Then we randomly select qualified recipients.

    Still have questions? Email